For my thesis project in my final year at Pratt Institute I conceptualized a nail art brand - sunset nails. I created the logo using nail art supplies, developed nail art stickers that feature patterns using typical motifs seen in nail designs such as hearts, stars and swirls. I did a lot of visual research collecting images of different nail art, and tried some of my own including a meaningful set that tells a story of working conditions for nail artists.The set of 8 posters were part of my initial exploration into the aesthetics of nail art. I identified 5 aspects of nail art that intrigued me: choosing a color, pattern, the do-it-yourself aspect, nail art as a mode of self expression, and its links to fine art all over the world. I ended up pushing the final category further and exploring nails inspired by famous artists. Nail art has always been a form of art and self expression that I love. The final product was a website that compiled all of my research, categorized it, and used nail art styles to brand the site.
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